Stiftsgymnasium Sindelfingen
For years it has been a concern of the Stiftsgymnasium to particularly promote talents and to develop and reward performance in a targeted manner. The Gymnasium is attended by 370 female and 470 male pupils, who are taught by 85 teachers. We offer the „Stifts+“ train for motivated pupils, participate in the Hector Children’s Academy (up to grade 6), are in charge of the „BuntStift“ youth academy in Sindelfingen, run the Schüler-Ingenieur-Akademie (SIA) and successfully take part in numerous projects and competitions.
Natural Science Technology
Together with a few schools in Baden-Württemberg, we offer NwT (natural science and technology) throughout from the lower school to the Abitur (pilot school NwT1 and pilot school NwT in the course level).
In addition to the classical natural sciences, our portfolio is regularly supplemented by the optional subjects of computer science, descriptive geometry and the advanced course „MathePlus“. The MathePlus elective reduces the gap between mathematics at school and the mathematical requirements of a MINT course. It teaches in-depth mathematical knowledge and skills and is completed by a centrally corrected certificate exam in cooperation with the Mathematical Institute of the University of Stuttgart.
Changing offers in MINT
Numerous changing offers in the MINT area across all grades complete our offer (e.g. Scratch-AG, Mathe-AG, Imkern, ChemAll, Lego Mindstorms).
We work together with many local companies, especially in the SIA, in regular classes and in AGs. We regularly participate successfully in various competitions, among others: Bolyai, Junior Science Olympiad, National Mathematics Competition, ChemAll, International Biology Olympiad.