Welcome Deutsche Bank – Hackathon Stuttgart Patron Sponsor 2019!
Read about their technical input: What’s it all about?
Digital proof of income for freelancers, secure prefill of online forms or identity check on a KYC base? There are many and many exciting use cases for the use of bank data. That’s another reason why we are happy to support the hackathon Stuttgart.
What could you do with it?
You use bank data to develop or boost services and apps. Whether you explore new ideas in the area of financial services or go „beyond banking“ entirely with your ideas, it’s up to your creativity.
What is needed
The use of our simulation is super simple – everything you need can be found here: https://developer.db.com/apidocumentation/apigettingstartedguide/createaccount
For all of you who do not want to read but still want to know:
– Go to our Developer Portal (https://developer.db.com/),
– Get registered (all you need is a valid email address and a password)
– Create an app and a test user and off you go!
Technical Specifications
- All APIs are oauth protected (https://developer.db.com/apidocumentation/oauthflows/overviewgranttypes)
- All APIs are REST interfaces using the JSON format
- The dokumentaion and the related Swagger Files can be found here (https://developer.db.com/apidocumentation/overview)