Hackathon Stuttgart 2019

Hackathon ’19 after video

Winner Teams 2019

Gallery 2019

Winner Teams  19

Next Level Mystery Machine

Idea description: Creating a vending platform for local sharing economy

Used platforms, gadgets: finAPI, BOSCH Powertools Grinder (Bluetooth CTL), Deutsche Bank API, Blockchain (Ethereum), Python, Raspberry PI, OpenCV, Symfony, SIEM ML, Gitlab, CI/CD

AI powered self-assessment of body posture

Idea description:

We use deep learning methods for detecting poor body postures in pictures and live video streams. The direct feedback by IoT-devices and the feedback history in our application enable the users to self-assess and improve their body posture.

Used platforms, gadgets: Heroku, Raspberry Pi, LEDs

Trick people into ethical behavior

Idea description:

How much does your behavior impact the planet? See for yourself and tend to your own little pet planet earth. We collect a mixture of data from IOT devices and external APIs, as well as manual input.

The data is then interpreted to form simplified scores which will trigger events on your little planet. Optimize that score to have plastic free oceans, clean air, a thriving animal population and lush forests.

For additional motivation, we utilize peer pressure and public shaming. Challenge your friends to reach a certain score or justify why “piggeldi” had to die for craving for hamburgers

Used platforms, gadgets:

Android, Heroku, Crosser, Tinkerforge, Bosch Thermostat Easy Control, Stuttgart Airport API, Phillips Hue, Porsche API, financial API

We make the airport experience more valuable and less stressful for the passenger

Idea description:

We develop an application that supports travelers on their journey from home until their departure from Stuttgart Airport. The app provides the users with constant accurate information about travel time, waiting times and estimates time of arrival at the gate. Furthermore the app reacts dynamically to the wishes of the users and tries to link them to shops and services in their proximity.

Used platforms, gadgets: Stuttgart Airport Data Hub

DARPA – Smart Factory Solutions

Delivering Autonomously Robotino Pleasure Aviator

DARPA takes your factory to the future!  –  smart and autonomously

Idea description:

With our flexible Robotino omnidirectional robot system combined with lightweight and agile DJI Tello drones we can handle your products, materials and possessions in your warehouse and more. The Robotino can handle products and carry them autonomously to the specified target. It can delegate difficult to reach deliveries and pickups to the attached drone. With its maximum flight time of 10 minutes it can reach targets up to 2km away.

No more slow and complicated transportation. Make it as fast as your ideas are!

Used platforms, gadgets:

Festo Robotino V4 including Intel-RealSene, omnidirectional drive and bumper sensors (xBox Controller)
DJI Trello Drone EDU Maker-Beam, WS2811 (LED), 2x Servo, Arduino Nano, 2x Stepper-Motor, 1x Gear-Motor, Ethernet-Switch, Raspberry Pi, big amount of QR Codes
Software ROS+RestAPI (Controlling) NodeJS, C++ (Aduino), Python (QR Code), MQTT (Data-Transfer), HTML+JS (HMI)

Träu.me: Sleeping bag as a service

Idea description:  

At Hackathons, many participants reserve Beanbags for the night as soon as they walk in, and many people have to sleep on the cold hard ground.

We want to improve (and monetize) the bean bag situation by offering them as a shared service. Book a bean bag from your phone, locate it within a room, use it to get a good night’s rest and pay only for the time you actually needed it.

Then pass it on.

Used platforms, gadgets:

Amazon Echo, Raspberry Pi(s), Balena Cloud/OS/Etcher, Docker, Heroku, Github (with auto deployment), LoraWAN, The Things Network, iOS, MongoDB, Bluetooth Beacons

Green Light Prediction

Idea description: By retrofitting traffic lights with our IoT adapter, we enpower Car2X functionalities and more

Used platforms, gadgets: Tinkerforge, RaspberryPi, Porsche HiMobility, Amazon Alexa

Ecological Footprint Rating (App)

Idea description:

People are suffering. The world is doomed.
And the only way to save it: Green+, the premier app to track your ecological footprint.
Incorporating both your mobility patterns and your everyday lifestyle with Porsche and Deutsche Bank, you will improve your ecological footprint through increased awareness and smart decision making.

Used platforms, gadgets: Heroku, DB Developer Portal, High Mobility

Data-driven passenger journey

Idea description:

Optimization of the passenger’s journey and experience starting right at their home and guiding them into the sky – based on data-driven models.

Used platforms, gadgets: iBeacons

Summary of pitched Projects ’19

AI powered self-assessment of body posture

Idea description:

We use deep learning methods for detecting poor body postures in pictures and live video streams. The direct feedback by IoT-devices and the feedback history in our application enable the users to self-assess and improve their body posture.

Used platforms, gadgets: Heroku, Raspberry Pi, LEDs


Idea description:

A robot that estimates the quality of an agricultural field. SLAM for aiding the locomotion of the robot and data collection through environmental sensors and camera. Drone based aid for crop density survey. All these data help a farmer get a concise condition of his field at any point of time.

Used platforms, gadgets: Festo Robotino

RoboBob for Granny Rose <3

Idea description:

The older people get during their lives, the more risks they are facing. Social isolation, reduced mobility and falls/injuries are increasing. Bob is a smart vacuum cleaner which combines an intelligent box with the cleaner and gives him more main functions. He serves as vacuum cleaner, Item finder, health assistant and security guard. Those functions can be monitored and controlled through a mobile application. While vacuum cleaning, the camera of the box is collecting data, so Bob knows where certain objects in the house can be found. Bob will be living with the elderly person and his/her family uses the application to ensure he/she is fine. Also if he/she falls or gets injured, Bob recognizes it and sends a push notification to the phone of the family or even calls the hospital with an emergency call if needed. Bob can be included in the Bosch ecosystem, e.g. health care, service solutions and smart home services.

Used platforms, gadgets:

aduino nano IoT board (wifi & bluetooth Ausstattung), udoo board, MeArm Wifi umgebaut, webcam logitech, amigoBot bosch, posenet, tensorflow, node.js & java script, ROS1 kinetic

AirporTino – The Interactive Airport Robot

Idea description:

We want to evaluate and improve the customer experience at Stuttgart Airport. To do this, we’re combining Festo’s Robotino technology with Stuttgart Airport Data Hub, using an Android App and Amazon Alexa for customer interaction. A Heroku App is used for inter-component communication and data storage.

Used platforms, gadgets: Robotino, Stuttgart Airport Data Hub (ADH), Amazon Alexa, Heroku

Enjoy the day at the Airport

Idea description:

Integration of the most attractive and innovative solutions for eliminating the passenger distress at the Airport. No more stress in navigating, transporting luggages, bored waiting for connections, payment problems at the airport. AMIGO is a GO for solution for all possible problems at the airport.

Used platforms, gadgets:

Amigobot, RPLidar, ROS, Unity, Android, iBeacons,  Heroku, FinAPI

SmartSocket – Reduce your CO2 Footprint

Idea description:

Often you do not care WHEN your devices are charged but that it is charged in the morning. The SmartSocket checks the CO2 emissions of the electric grid and optimises the use of renewable energy for charging your devices.

Used platforms, gadgets:
Client (React), Heruko-Server with Postgres-DB (Kotlin, Springboot, JPA), CO2-Signal-API, Sonoff Measuring WIFI Switch, Balena Etcher, TinkerForge, NFC-Bricket, WIFI-Brick, RED-Brick

Next Level Mystery Machine

Idea description:

Creating a vending platform for local sharing economy

Used platforms, gadgets:

finAPI, BOSCH Powertools Grinder (Bluetooth CTL), Deutsche Bank API, Blockchain (Ethereum), Python, Raspberry PI, OpenCV, Symfony, SIEM ML, Gitlab, CI/CD

Porsche Flight Advisor

Idea description:

Combine Airport API into Porsche Dashboard, to show all relevant Flight Information Data.

At the airport further information via cross platform mobile app

Used platforms, gadgets:

Stuttgart Airport API, Porsche Dashboard API, Amazon Echo

Open your property to trusted people remotely for the services you need

Idea description:

Our real Estate is most valuable for us: from financial side, due the coziness, due the good memories. It does not matter if it is company property or your individual. In current world time has already different value. Usually we have some business trips or vacation with family far away from our property. There are many of cases when there is need for somebody to get into your property: due the
misfortune or daily business. Our solution will enable you to cover all cases with most trusted way, opening doors remotely with no worries.

We make the airport experience more valuable and less stressful for the passenger

Idea description:

We develop an application that supports travelers on their journey from home until their departure from Stuttgart Airport. The app provides the users with constant accurate information about travel time, waiting times and estimates time of arrival at the gate. Furthermore the app reacts dynamically to the wishes of the users and tries to link them to shops and services in their proximity.

Used platforms, gadgets:

Stuttgart Airport Data Hub

Data-driven passenger journey

Idea description:

Optimization of the passenger’s journey and experience starting right at their home and guiding them into the sky – based on data-driven models.

Used platforms, gadgets:


Trick people into ethical behavior

Idea description:

How much does your behavior impact the planet? See for yourself and tend to your own little pet planet earth. We collect a mixture of data from IOT devices and external APIs, as well as manual input.

The data is then interpreted to form simplified scores which will trigger events on your little planet. Optimize that score to have plastic free oceans, clean air, a thriving animal population and lush forests.

For additional motivation, we utilize peer pressure and public shaming. Challenge your friends to reach a certain score or justify why “piggeldi” had to die for craving for hamburgers

Used platforms, gadgets:

Android, Heroku, Crosser, Tinkerforge, Bosch Thermostat Easy Control, Stuttgart Airport API, Phillips Hue, Porsche API, financial API

Autonomous robot for exploration in crisis regions

Idea description:

We use a robot to drive through a crisis region autonomously. With the help of a camera and laser distance measurement we detect and cartography points of interest. Especially interesting for us is the detection of humans and obstacles.

Used platforms, gadgets:


  • Robot: Amigobot
  • Camera: Logitech B525 HD
  • Laser Scanner: RPLIDAR A2M8-R3


  • Robot Operating System (ROS)
  • Backend: Spring Boot
  • Frontend: Angular8
  • Image analysis: TensorFlow

Automated  Airport guide

Idea description:

Missing flight due to lack of information cause of language barrier, lack of terminal information for elderly and pregnant women is not a good thing.

Automated airport guide with AR guidance provides efficient and good airport experience to the travelers.

Used platforms, gadgets:

Festo Robotina,Robotina view,Robotina factory,web API by Stuttgart.

Connecting Porsche Drivers

Idea description:

We use the HIGH MOBILITY API to connect Porsche drivers. Drivers can talk to each other in traffic jams and get notified when they pass each other on the road.

Used platforms, gadgets:

Porsche Car Emulator, HIGH MOBILITY API, Heroku

AR based navigation system

Idea description:

Create a mobile Application to help people navigate in the Airport, buy interesting goods and not miss important events and information.

Used platforms, gadgets:

Unity 3d, Stuttgart API, Deutsche Bank API or finAPI, Computer Vision

Stuttgart Airport Guide Me

Idea description:

The idea is to develop an app that supports the user in planning his departure or arrival at the airport. The time prediction for the individual stations is carried out on the basis of the historical data and on the data out of Stuttgart Airport API. The stations include for example arrival, parking, baggage check, check-in security, etc.

Used platforms, gadgets:

Stuttgart API


Idea description:

Intelligent Porsche rental service for business customers arriving at the Stuttgart Airport

Used platforms, gadgets:

Android, IOS, Raspberry Pi

Simulation of a petrol engine with an electrical engine

Idea description:

Simulation of the driving characteristics of a petrol engine on an electric (model) car for people who like the driving experience and the shifting of a petrol engine more than the continuous power of the electric motor

Used platforms, gadgets:

Bosch Erle Rover, Arduino, Raspberry Pi (+Camera)

Green Light Prediction

Idea description:

By retrofitting traffic lights with our IoT adapter, we enpower Car2X functionalities and more

Used platforms, gadgets:

Tinkerforge, RaspberryPi, Porsche HiMobility, Amazon Alexa


Idea description:

Display Flight Informations and find the best parking space using just your porsche

Used platforms, gadgets:

fly-STR API Hub, Porsche Infotainment System

Machine to Machine (M2M) Economy

Idea description:

LeaseIOT lets machines generate income autonomously. Any machine’s functionality can be used by any other machine or human, without input from the machine owner by using an IOTA wallet for transactions which may also include personal services such as repairs and maintenance. We verify the device owners and users using IDnow ..

Used platforms, gadgets:

IOTA,IDnow API,Bosch Amigo bot, (Phillips Hue Light),

Smart City Parksharing

Idea description:

Have you ever experienced an endless circling with your car in search for a parking spot? The head is twisting and going to exp