Welcome to our school teams at the Hackathon Stuttgart!
We are really happy to communicate that, for the first time, school teams will attend the Hackathon Stuttgart. Since five years we provide a platform with Hackathon Stuttgart where all IT-interested people can meet up. Knowledge, technologies, tips all about coding and much more can be shared during this event. But not only code is developed – also friendships and contact to the sponsors.
This year we also wanted to attract a younger target group – with success! The students from the grammar schools Stiftsgynmasium in Sindelfingen and the Ferdinand-Porsche-Gymnasium will be hacking at Phoenixhalle in Stuttgart.
Stiftsgymnasium in Sindelfingen
For many years it has been a concern of the Stiftsgymnasium to particularly promote talent and to develop and reward effort systematically. The grammar school is attended by 370 girls and 470 boys, who are taught by 85 teachers. The schools offers the „Stifts+“-class to motivated students, participates in the Hector-Children’s Academy (up to grade 6), holds the lead of the Sindelfingen Youth Academy „BuntStift“, leads the Students-Engineering-Academy (SIA – Schüler-Ingenieur-Akademie) and has successfully participated in numerous projects and competitions.
Together with a few schools in Baden-Württemberg, we offer NWT (Natural Sciences and Technology) from lower cycle until high school diploma (pilot school NWT1 and pilot school NWT in the course level).
In addition to classical Natural Science, our portfolio is regularly supplemented by elective subjects such as Informatics, Descriptive Geometry and the specialisation course „MathePlus“. This specialisation course reduces the gap between maths at school and the mathematical requirements of a MINT study course (Mathematics, Informatics, Natural Science and Technology). It provides in-depth mathematical knowledge and skills and is completed by a centrally corrected certificate exam in cooperation with the Mathematical Institute of the University of Stuttgart.
Numerous alternating offers in the MINT-program across all grades complement our offer – for instance Scratch-Club, Maths-Club, Imkern (keeping bees), ChemAll and Lego Mindstorms.
We work with many on-site companies, especially at SIA, in regular classes and in clubs. We regularly take part in various competitions, including: Bolyai, Junior Science Olympics, State Competition Mathematics, ChemAll and International Biology Olympics.
„Our pupils are really curious about the event and are looking forward to be part of this fantastic world of developing“, said Nadine Kußler – Headmistress from the Stifsgymnasium.
Ferdinand-Porsche-Gymnasium Zuffenhausen
The Ferdinand-Porsche-Gymnasium Zuffenhausen in the north of Stuttgart is one of the largest grammar schools in Stuttgart. The profile of the school is based on three pillars: MINT, musically and linguistically. In the linguistic sector, the FPGZ offers a bilingual class (E) and an International Meeting Class 10.
As part of the MINT program, the students in class 5 get a license at the standing drill in BNT-class (Biology, Natural Phenomena and Technology). From grade 5, the pupils can take part in the Robot-Club and the Climate-Club. As part of the Climate-Club, the students conduct a climate exhibition for other students every two years. From grade 8, NWT-class (Natural Science and Technology) becomes a two-hour main subject. Two-hour computer science and a specialisation course of mathematics are offered, both are well-requested.
Our students take part in a number of MINT competitions: First Lego League, Federal and State Competitions Mathematics, Mathematics without Frontiers, Kangaroo of Mathematics, Informatics Beaver.
The FPGZ cooperates with the company Porsche at MINT equipment for the school as well as with factory inspections, internships, career information and partners at MINT-100-Regional Forums.
Have fun at Hackathon Stuttgart 2017!
This sounds like perfect preconditions for Hackathon Stuttgart 2017! We are really proud to know that the younger generation is already interested in coding. Let’s see which cool projects will be created during those 48 hours (of course the students will have a breaktime during the night 😉 and our jury will consider this). Have fun!